Hong Kong Moths

Tussock Moths found in Hong Kong
(Erebidae: Lymantriinae)

This page is an index to the tussock moths (55+ species) of Hong Kong.
Each link (once active) leads to species information page containing details about that species.

Tribal taxonomy follows Holloway (2011), with all five of Holloway's tribes
(Lymantriini, Orgyiini, Nygmiini, Leucomini & Arctornithini) occuring in Hong Kong.
Genera and species are listed alphabetically within each tribe.
Much taxonomic investigation is needed to work out identifications for many of
the Nygmiini and Arctornithini species in Hong Kong.

tribe Lymantriini (4 species)

Lymantria dissoluta

Swinhoe, 1903

Lymantria iris

Strand, 1911

Lymantria mathura

Moore, 1865

Lymantria sinica

Moore, 1878

tribe Orgyiini (16 species)

Calliteara angulata

(Hampson, 1891)

Calliteara axuthu

Collonette, 1934

Calliteara grotei

(Moore, 1859)

Cifuna locuples

Walker, 1855

Dasychira chekiangensis

Collonette, 1938

Dasychira feminula

(Hampson, 1891)
(probably should be in Ilema)

Dasychira nigritula

Walker, 1865
(probably should be in Ilema)

Ilema costalis

(Walker, 1855)

Laelia anamesa

Collonette, 1934

Laelia coenosa

(Hübner, [1808])

Laelia lilacina

Moore, 1884

Laelia sp. A

Olene inclusa

(Walker, 1856)

Orgyia postica

Collonette, 1938

Pantana droa

Swinhoe, 1906

Pantana visum

(Hübner, 1825)

tribe Nygmiini (at least 24 species)

Arna bipunctapex

(Hampson, 1891)

Arna pseudoconspersa

(Walker, 1856)

Arna sp. nr. magna

Aroa substrigosa

(Walker, 1855)

Artaxa inornata

Wileman, 1910

Artaxa sp. B

Artaxa sp. C nr. guttata

Artaxa sp. nr. cryptosticta

Artaxa sp. nr. lubecula

Artaxa sp. nr. striata

Artaxa varians

Walker, 1855

plain forms of A. sp. nr. lubecula
may be this species

"Euproctis" fraterna

(Moore, 1883)
probably should be in Artaxa

Euproctis quadrangularis

(Moore, 1879)

"Euproctis" seitzi

Strand, 1910
(type loc.: Hong Kong)

Euproctis sp. A nr. latifascia

Euproctis sp. nr. aterata

Euproctis sp. nr. cervina

Euproctis sp. nr. flavinata

Euproctis sp. G

Euproctis sp. J

Nygmia plana

Walker, 1856

Nygmia sp. E nr. madana

Orvasca subnotata

(Walker, 1865)

Toxoproctis sp. D

tribe Leucomini (2 species)

Leucoma impressa

Snellen, 1877

Perina nuda

(Fabricius, 1787)

tribe Arctornithini (12+ species)

genus Arctornis

Germar, 1810

the genus Arctornis comprises many species with similar looking adults, reliably identifiable to species only by internal morphology.
A study of the taxonomy for this genus has yet to be undertaken in Hong Kong.
An example of the genus is illustrated to the left. At least 12 species of the genus are suspected to have occurred in Hong Kong. Larvae of Arctornis are more easily separable at the species rank and should be searched for and reared to aid our understanding of the genus.

Carriola ecnomoda

(Swinhoe, 1907)

some of these photos may also be accessed on hkmoths Flickr set of Erebidae: Lymantriinae

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© R. C. Kendrick, 2016
last updated 27th December 2016