Hong Kong Moths

Forester moths found in Hong Kong
Noctuoidea: Noctuidae, Agaristinae

This page is an index to the 8 species of forester moths in Hong Kong.
Each link (once active) leads to species information page containing details about that species.

Genera and species are listed alphabetically.

Chelonomorpha japana

Motschulsky, 1860

Episteme arctopsa

(Chu & Chen, 1962)

no recent records
status uncertain

Episteme lectrix

(Linnaeus, 1764)

Episteme nipalensis

(Butler, 1875)

Exsula dentatrix

(Westwood, 1848)

Mimeusemia persimilis

Butler, 1875

Mimeusemia postica

(Walker, 1862)

Sarbanissa albifascia

(Walker, 1865)

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© R. C. Kendrick, 2017
last updated 1st January 2017